


私が担当するコーナー「LE SAVIEZ-VOUS ? フランス 街あるきの雑学」では、私がコーナー用に描いた、知って得するフランスの雑学イラストを説明をしながら紹介しています。また、舞台となるカフェの壁には私のイラストが飾られていますので、背景も見てくださいね。







On april 4th, the french program « TV de furansugo » by NHK (the Japanese national television network) has finally started !

I was a bit nervous to appear into such a famous program, rolling over 30 years, and to see myself « performing » the role of a cafe owner ! Fortunately, I’m not always on screen and the great team formed by Chloé, Guillaume, Kawatake sensei and our navigator, Kaori Muraji, works pretty well.

In my special corner called « LE SAVIEZ-VOUS ? » (litt. « Did you know that ? »), I was happy to see my illustrations on the walls of the café and how my illustrations made especially for each show are shown on screen, while I’m doing the narration. The first 3 them were « Salutations », « Train » & « Toulouse » (my hometown). What’s next ? ^^

Every week, the new show is aired on wednesday at 22:25. If you missed one, you can catch up the following wednesday at 12:00am (noon).

I received a lot of positive feedback after 5 episodes and I hope it will continue until the 24th episode. Thank you very much !

By the way, the may issues of  « TV de furansugo » & « Mainichi furansugo » are on sale now. In  « TV de furansugo » you can find each month 8 pages (2 for each show) of my corner « Le saviez-vous ? ». In « Mainichi furansugo », I do 2 monthly pages with some kind of illustrated quiz to learn french with fun.
